Мапа проектів

Projects map

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Music Festival for children - \'Music for all\'!: 47.743479, 26.676865
IMPEFO – Improvement of cross – border cooperation between Moldova and Romania on PEtroleum and Food Products: 47.041628, 28.813440
Improvement the response capacity of Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD) through a joint integrated system for efficient monitoring and disaster consequences mitigation, in regard to population in the common boundaries Roman: 44.460588, 26.117336
Interconnection gas pipeline between the Natural Gas Transmission System of Romania and the Natural Gas Transmission System of the Republic of Moldova on the Iaşi (Romania) – Ungheni (Moldova) direction”: 44.445678, 26.096495
Inventory, Assessment and Remediation of Anthropogenic Sources of Pollution in the Lower Danube Region of Ukraine, Romania and the Republic of Moldova: 46.465981, 30.746568
Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan Power Systems to ENTSO-E Continental European Power System: 47.023906, 28.831544
Cross border infrastructure (communication infrastructure between Romania, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova).: 44.443481, 26.077870
Development of Border Infrastructure between Ukraine and Romania.: 50.455415, 30.378636
Prevention and protection against floods in the upper Siret and Prut River Basins, through the implementation of a modern monitoring system with automatic stations – EAST AVERT.: 44.424164, 26.090651
Breaking the Borders: Mountain tourism development (BBMTD): 48.292079, 25.935837
Valorisation of the touristic potential of Siret – Hliboca area: 47.678077, 26.235352
Quality Infrastructure for Botosani County (RO) - Herta District (UA) Border Area: 47.745062, 26.662213
Rehabilitation, modernization and endowment of the “Mihai Teliman” Cultural Centre from Siret: 47.680356, 26.233313
Historical and ethnographic heritage - part of the sustainable development of tourism in Bukovina (HERITAGE): 48.296927, 25.924182
Improvement of the transport infrastructure between Botosani County and Cernauti Region: Modernisation by concrete casting of cross-border township roads Candesti Township – Botosani (Romania) : 47.925105, 26.187813
Modernization of county road 175, km 30+800-30+900, 31+090-32+625, 35+900-39+000, Pojorata - Izvoarele Sucevei, Suceava County: 47.643216, 26.258605
Labour mediation centre \'We believe in a new opportunity\': 45.181209, 28.805135
Medieval Jewelleries: Khotyn, Soroca, Suceava, MEJEKSS: 48.157355, 28.299977
The International Student Center for Recreation and Tourism: The Way to Healthy Nation (ISCRT): 46.461214, 30.750971
TransAgRomaniapolis TransfRomaniantier AgRomaniabusiness Support: 47.159506, 27.585275
Lead you Way to Business: 47.028416, 28.823698
Supporting Centre for Cross Border Cusiness Environment - Training, Exhibition an Symposium: 46.958245, 28.768462
InterNet – Internationalization and Networking of SMEs and business support structures in the cross border area: 46.482526, 30.723310
Cross Border Business Cooperation Network UA-RO-MD: 46.478683, 30.742535
Creation of favourable investment climate in border regions of Ukraine and Romania: 46.464313, 30.747835
Prevention of the blue death syndrome: 47.742390, 26.661704
Increase of life activity safety in the valley of the river Prut: 48.220784, 26.273460
Cross-border Improvement of solid municipal waste management in Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine (SMWM): 47.569952, 27.705279
Development of water management in the Tuluceşti commune, Galati County and Sireţi commune, Străşeni district: 45.566667, 28.033333
Resources pilot for cross border preservation of the aquatic biodivesity of Prut River: 47.174219, 27.570502
Using the leading European medical practices - the basis of improving the quality of medical services in region: 48.306034, 25.924301
Volunteers Without Frontiers: 47.909687, 25.676824
\'The libraries - Open Gates towards Knowledge\': 47.641298, 26.261668
Cross-border Cooperation for the Waste Management in European System: 48.066667, 26.650000
Cross-Border network between Dorohoi, Edinet and Briceni communities: 47.953655, 26.392947
Performant Management and Administrative Efficiency: 48.159409, 28.300309
Get informed in time: Human Trafficking EXISTS: 46.828349, 28.588527
Together for children: 47.004282, 28.819867
Cross-Border Ecological Agriculture Network, EcoAgriNet: 47.571951, 27.706060
Fostering local public administration towards the EU standards and best practices: 46.988883, 28.822528
ADMINnet - Towards a harmonized development of the border area Romania-Republic of Moldova: 46.673131, 28.053722
Cross Border Collaboration in the Area of Social Services: 47.164910, 27.582693
Cross-border networking for organic agriculture: 47.193266, 27.556541
Professional ethics in solving cases with minors: 47.167532, 27.551507
Cross Border Press Training Centre - CBPTC: 47.173867, 27.551227
Cross-border cooperation for a life without drugs: 47.162281, 27.587549
Identify the value!: 47.164713, 27.587330
Combating the labour exploaitation of children of Romania and Republic of Moldovia: 47.145335, 27.588462
Preventing the third age crisis in Romania and the Republic of Moldova: 47.143485, 27.587225
Cross-border co-operation initiatives regarding mental health of teenagers in the neighbourhood area of Romania - Republic of Moldova -SMADO: 47.133532, 27.792262
Cross-border Mentoring Program - innovative model of partnership and collaboration through the development of a network of mentors and experience exchange in socioeconomic field: 47.196990, 27.796444
Preventing and combating human trafficking through the development of a cross-border, inter-institutional network and increasing the level of information of vulnerable people: 47.149991, 27.589288
Cross-border inter-institutional network for preventing abuse in the field of child rights protection: 47.150732, 27.588484
Siret-Prut-Nistru Euroregion IT Cooperation Network: 47.194331, 27.561091
Understanding Autism: 45.438396, 28.056528
Voluntariate - A Bridge between Generations and Borders: 45.421861, 28.013339
The Development of Cooperation in the Social-medical Services for Youth in the Galati-Cahul Cross-border Region- EURO-HEALTH: 45.451190, 28.047500
Joint cultural promotion - a way to develop the euroregional cooperation at the Lower Danube: 45.440385, 28.055171
IMAGINE - Improved Methods for Assuring the Growth and Innovation in the North Lower Danube Euroregion: 45.440328, 28.055778
Development of the Network of Festive Tourism in Bukovyna (Chernivtsi Region, Ukraine and Suceava County, Romania): 48.241111, 25.986944
\'Common traditional patrimony - European promotion element\': 47.643023, 26.259116
Promoting the Ukrainian Folklore in Suceava County and the Romanian Folklore in the Cernauti Region: 47.643211, 26.258966
The folkloric monograph of the Ukrainians from Suceava County and of the Romanians from Cernauti Region: 47.643242, 26.258402
\'Culture Bukovina - reviving forgotten\': 48.083333, 25.933333
\'Through sport uniting destinies. Young sportsmans: 48.291683, 25.935217
Partnership to Promote Cultural Traditions Among Young People: 47.953307, 26.399487
Enhancement and preservation of the bukovinean cultural heritage: 47.528698, 25.557653
\'THINK GREEN\' - Models of Application for the Local Agenda 21 in the Romania -Ukraine - Republic of Moldova cross-border context: 47.640154, 26.252305
Cross border exchanges in professional education: 47.738609, 26.668289
Acting together for a better environment - attitude and involvement: 45.576480, 28.172405
Joining nature and culture through outdoor activities in the border area: 0.000000, 0.000000
A trans border approach to cultural heritage management and valorisation: 47.021626, 28.830979
The Charm of Theatre: 46.564762, 27.710373
Exercise Firm-Alternative Model of Entrepreneur Education: 47.171068, 27.582461
Educational park - model of cross-border ecological education: 47.171343, 27.582196
As different as we are - a 7 ethnia project at the Black Sea: 46.638999, 27.732453
Gastrotur: 46.642067, 27.737759
Young experiences a smart solution! - Y.E.S.S!: 47.138762, 27.577348
European spirit through sports without frontiers: 47.153746, 27.588493
Cross border educational exchanges in European Studies - favorable framework in the diminishing of the border effects at the eastern frontier of the EU CEDES: 47.174680, 27.572304
The Internet: E-friend or E-enemy? IFE: 47.162763, 27.579780
Jobs Opportunities on the Border - JOB: 47.180349, 27.570938
Cross border initiative for developing playful topiary art education and leisure: 47.173298, 27.571124
Vocational training - priority for a sustainable economy in the cross border area: 47.160521, 27.601267
Cross-border pictures: 47.165199, 27.581085
Cross-border cooperation to common needs: Health, Environment, Sport -HES: 47.174844, 27.571177
Information Technology in Cross Border Co-operation (IT-CBC): 47.172934, 27.535420
A new chance for elders in the cross-border region Iasi-Soroca: 47.147961, 27.587167
Traditional Costume : coherence and diversity in the Low Danube Region: 45.441246, 28.056231
Ethnic Festival \'Danubian Garland\': 46.463742, 30.753271
Joining nature and culture through outdoor activities in the border area: 45.181371, 28.806742
A new chance in education: 47.167755, 27.550535
Developing cross border tourism by promoting the Mansion of Manuc Bey, Elena Ioan Cuza Mortuary Complex and the Blesciunov Mansion: 46.828349, 28.588527
Promoting sustainable production and implementation of good practices in the bovine farms from Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine cross-border region: 47.194638, 27.555976
Development of the agriculture sector through creation of an agricultural cross-border network: 47.634699, 28.141201
Rehabilitation of medieval Voievod Court Lăpuşna for touristic visits (HistoryTour): 47.033078, 28.819757
„SIDE-BY-SIDE” – Tri-nodal network for tourism promotion and development in Galati-Cahul-Reni cross-border region : 45.450956, 28.047338
ENERGY – cross border asset: 46.638491, 27.731166
Cross Border support centre for the assisted development of zootechny: 47.151809, 27.643439
Creation of a trilateral cross border network for development and marketing of the agro-alimentary local and traditional products in the Lower Danube cross border area: 45.164246, 28.791691
Sustainable Tourism Development in the Lower Danube region of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania: 46.463742, 30.753271
Safety Information Systems in Road Traffic: 47.208658, 27.802813
“The East European Network of Excellence for Research and Development in Chronic Diseases CHRONEX-RD: 47.167169, 27.584893
Forming a network of innovative infrastructure institutions in cross-border region.: 48.285677, 25.939122
Safe cross-border tourism in the Mountains of Bukovina.: 47.642890, 26.258775
ECO-CARPATHIANS - Eco-Business Development in Border Carpathians as Chance for Better Economic Competitiveness.: 48.290732, 25.943742
Joint Business Support Centre – Instrument for fostering development of entrepreneurship in Ro-Ua-Md cross-border area (Jo.B.S. Center): 47.642229, 26.245540
Pure Water - to the Benefit of Villagers: 46.960278, 28.500000
The reduction of polution effects and soil erosion through the extension of management capacity of waste water: 46.914367, 28.973259
Increased waste management capacity for a cleaner environment in Vaslui and Cahul cities’: 46.638348, 27.728649
Eco-Cities- A Common Vision in the Cross-Border Area: 47.019347, 28.762422
CRossborder INventory of Degraded Land - CRING: 46.641783, 27.737732
Consolidation of the nature protected areas network for biodiversity protection and sustainable development in the Danube Delta and Lower Prut river region- PAN Nature: 45.180147, 28.794668
Cross-border waste management tool for rural localities, CBCRur Waste: 47.128036, 28.995134
Cross-border interdisciplinary cooperation for the prevention of natural disasters and mitigation of environmental pollution in Lower Danube Euroregion: 45.438862, 28.056436
Improving the ecological situation of basins of Prut and Dniester by improving sewage treatment systems in Chernivtsi and Drochia.: 48.294986, 25.934644
Protection of borders against threats posed by homeless animals.: 48.294058, 25.933678
Medicine in the emergency situations and occasions - rapid response to cross-border challenges.: 48.216495, 26.268826
The use of European experience in the fight against soil erosion.: 48.441667, 25.760000
IT’S SCIENCE TIME: 0.000000, 0.000000
Business Environment – sustainable promotion and development: 45.440220, 28.054981
Elaboration and Management of the Integrated Urban Development Plans: 47.208932, 27.802759
CrossLife-SkillsNet: 45.336528, 28.838929
Principles of Sustainability in Integrated Space Development Concept in Urban Settlements from Cross Border Region: 47.164832, 27.604413
Beyond Borders- Music and Identity Among European Youth: 47.019721, 28.762175
Virtual Platform for Cross-Border Youth Exchange: 47.634909, 28.140696
Network of professional training for local public administration: 46.639113, 27.731321
United in Diversity-Youth Sharing Traditional Arts and Handicrafts: 47.173553, 27.550321
Artistic and cultural education in the context of sustainable cross-border cooperation: 46.991598, 28.845629
Brass Bands Across Borders: 46.567122, 27.706125
Cross-Border Ecological Agriculture Network, “EcoAgriNet 2”: 47.569085, 27.704880
Cross-border cooperation in preventing human trafficking: 47.142767, 27.593213
Green youth movement in the cross border area: 47.501243, 28.342152
Share the Road!-Youth Learn Road Safety Skills: 47.158065, 27.598038
I care, I get involved!: 47.137406, 27.580137
Not for sale-Say stop to human trafficking.: 47.649295, 26.254437
Strengthening of communication relations between the blind in cross-border region.: 48.287705, 25.907393
Program of promoting a healthy lifestyle “Choice of youth is sport.: 48.450000, 27.416667
Freedom of Information about Ecological Friendly Products in cross-border region.: 48.275796, 25.923958
To preserve the past is to create the future.: 47.643242, 26.259642
Music Festival for Children “Music for all”: 47.754732, 26.633934
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