Priorities and measures

The Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 covers three priorities and a technical assistance component. Each priority is split into more specific domains, called “measures”, as follows:


Priority 1: Towards a more competitive border economy.
This priority aims to improve the economic performance of the border area through the diversification and modernisation in a sustainable manner, of the border economy.

  • 1.1 Improving the productivity and competitiveness of the region’s urban and rural areas by working across borders
  • 1.2 Cross-border initiatives in transport, border infrastructure and energy


Priority 2: Environmental Challenges and Emergency Preparedness.
This priority aims to develop long term solutions to the environmental problems faced by the border areas particularly those associated with environmental emergencies where a co-ordinated approach is essential.

  • 2.1  Addressing strategic cross-border environmental challenges including emergency preparedness.
  • 2.2  Water supply, sewerage and waste management


Priority 3: People to People Co-operation.
This priority aims to promote greater interaction between people and communities living in the border areas.

  • 3.1  Local and regional governance, support to civil society and local communities.
  • 3.2  Educational, social and cultural exchanges.


Technical Assistance.
The aim of Technical Assistance is to achieve effective and efficient implementation of the Programme by enhanced preparatory, monitoring, administrative and technical support, and by ensuring the widest participation possible amongst the public.

The technical assistance consists of two main components:

  • 1. Programme management and implementation
  • 2. Publicity and information

To get  detailed information about the type of projects that could receive funding under each measure mentioned above, please download the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 Programming Documents.

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