On the 18th of December 2010 took place in Odessa the 5th reunion of the Joint Monitoring Committee. In the meeting the preliminary list of large scale projects was approved. The LSP’s were identified by a Joint Working Group formed by representatives of the three states participating in the programme and presented to the Joint Monitoring Committee.

At the reunion the JMC members approved 7 projects in the following fields: 3 projects in the field of cross border infrastructure, 3 projects in the field of environment and emergency preparedness and 1 project in the energy field. The total value of the selected large scale projects is of approximately 38 mil euro. In the next period the list will be sent to the European Commission for analysis and approval.

The selection process will continue with the elaboration of the feasibility studies and of the technical projects, which will be the basis for the qualitative evaluation of the documents, followed by the approval of the final list of large scale projects by the European Commission.

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